In our 6 years of producing The Goblin Market, we have never raised prices for our vendors or our attendees and we want to keep it that way.
However our production level has increased as our numbers have increased. The Goblin Market is a pesky creature who demands more from us humans to provide deeper and more meaningful experiences for the goblins and attending humans.
So now we are releasing The Goblin Market Sponsorship Package. Packages ranging from $50 to $500.
All performers are paid. All goblins are paid (in real money and then somehow it’s converted into acorns.. I’m not sure how that magic works out). All the money made from The Goblin Market stays within the company and ensures similar events happening through-out the year. Time Travel Events sustains itself through a staff who have real full time jobs and makes this their hobby. We do it for the love of the community, and we hope as a member of that community you are able to help us grow a little bigger each year and welcome more and more humans and goblins alike.
Thank you for your time.
Click here to download the sponsorship package. Feel free to email anytime if you have questions